Thursday, July 9, 2015

Give More #KidsDeserveIt

Just the other day this video come across my Facebook feed.  I was so emotionally impacted by the message and the powerful story, I couldn’t help but think about the parallels that exists in education.

This is such a powerful video. Without saying much, it says a lot. I had to share.
Posted by Frankie J on Monday, August 18, 2014

Sometimes we can become very hardened by the experiences we’ve had in our lives or in education.  We close our doors, we keep to ourselves.

Sometimes our classrooms are filled with amazing adventures, creative experiences, laughter, and more!  We do great things, and love our students, but we stay within our four walled classroom.

But even more so, when you have all the great things going on, or you’ve got exactly what you need, we forget. We forget about that struggling teacher down the hall.  We forget about that hungry child in the grade below the one we teach.  Our focus becomes us, and our classrooms.

This video caused a sort of mind shift for me.  It was powerful to see those with food and money choose not to share, for whatever reason.  But yet when a homeless person was shown kindness, they immediately passed it along.  Is this always the case?  Of course not.  But a lot of the time it is.

Each one of us at one point or another has had someone believe in us. Help us. Teach us.  Share with us.  Each one of us now has the opportunity to pay it forward to someone else who needs a hug, high five, a kind word, or a helping hand.

Don’t miss your opportunity.  And don’t wait for those people to come to you to ask for help.  Seek them out.  Our Kids Deserve It.

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