Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer Learning Series

This summer I wanted to find a great way for my new staff to start learning things before we even were at our new campus together!  I have heard the phrase recently and I totally agree, that we are "Professional Students".  What better way for me to model that I am a continual learner then to have my staff learning along side me.

So this summer I am going to send out weekly (voluntary) challenges to my staff to get them thinking and trying new things!  I will also be completing all of the challenges.

If you would like to be included on the emails, and join the challenges with us, please click HERE and fill out your info on the Google Form and I'll add you!  Come join the fun!


  1. Thank you for allowing me to participate!

  2. Todd, you know I am not too tech savvy, but I will support anything you are initiating my man. I look forward to the challenges.

  3. Love it! Thanks for sharing! Let me know if I can help in any way. @katiemc827

  4. This is a wonderful idea! Thanks for providing the leadership that you do!
    Your sharing inspires all of us!

  5. I just signed up! Thank you for allowing me to join this challenge. :)

  6. awesome opportunity to learn and collaborate when we have time to "play" and learn..

  7. Awesome idea! I look forward to the first email.
